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TV documentary traces history of study concept


07-21-2016 19:02 BJT

Hot on the heels of the immensely popular TV documentary series "A Bite of China", CCTV's documentary channel is showing another series about Chinese culture. This time however, it's not about Chinese culinary traditions. "The Four Treasures of Chinese Study" is all about the culture surrounding study in China. 

"The Four Treasures of Chinese Study" is all about the culture surrounding study in China.

"The Four Treasures of Chinese Study" is all about the culture surrounding study in China.

Brush, ink, paper and inkstone - the Four Treasures of Chinese Study are the focus of a TV documentary currently being aired on CCTV's documentary channel. The six-part series traces the evolution of the four treasures of traditional Chinese study, tracing the production techniques of the four items, to their spread through paintings and calligraphy. 

The series took two years to make, with the production team visiting cities like Zhejiang's Huzhou and Anhui's Xuancheng, known for producing the best brushes, ink, paper and inkstone in all China. Shooting took place in a total of 20 provinces, cities and regions across the country, including Taiwan. Cameras even travelled as far as Japan, South Korea and Europe. The series features some unique takes on the four treasures: like a brush made from rat's hair or super-size inkstones. 

Filming for each of the six, 50-minute episodes also took place in museums, ancient cities, homes of important calligraphers and painters. The series aims to present a broad picture of the influence of the four treasures by focusing on the materials, craftsmanship and styles of the four treasures of Chinese study.

"The Four Treasures of Chinese Study" is all about the culture surrounding study in China.

"The Four Treasures of Chinese Study" is all about the culture surrounding study in China.

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