It was a Chinese professor's first day on the job at one of the world's oldest school's on Monday. Professor Dong Qiang from China is the first Chinese scholar to become a lifetime corresponding member of the Academy of moral and political sciences at "L'Institut de France" or the French Institute.
Founded in 1795, L'Institut de France is one of the world's oldest schools. The Academy of moral and political sciences is one of its five academies. Corresponding members of the French Institute are distinguished scholars who live and work outside France. Professor Dong is the first Chinese scholar to take the post.
"For all these years, working to bridge the East and the West, to promote exchanges, I feel it's worth it. As the world today is becoming more and more complex, it requires more communication and exchanges between China and the West. China is getting stronger, and under such a circumstance, it's important to let China’s voices heard outside. So today I feel both honored and burdened with responsibility," he said.
Professor Dong Qiang from China is the first Chinese scholar to become a lifetime corresponding member of the Academy of moral and political sciences at "L'Institut de France" or the French Institute.
Xavier Darcos, permanent secretary of the Academy of moral and political sciences, welcomed the Chinese scholar.
"We welcome Chinese members. China is a world power, so at our French Institute, we need representatives from China. The decision to grant Mr. Dong Qiang the title of corresponding member was collectively made. It also shows that we value China," he said.
As the dean of the French Department of Peking University, Professor Dong has written and translated more than 30 books. His translations including Chinese classics and famous novels by Milan Kundera contributed greatly to the cultural exchanges between China and France.
In 2009, he was entitled "Education Knight" by the French government and in 2015, he was awarded the Legion of Honour by three French prime ministers.
"He is the bridge between the cultures of China and France. Like me, he also has sincere wish for the cooperation between the two countries. The exchanges are not just in the form of exchange students, but also in the cultural exchanges so that the two sides can better understand each other. So again, I congratulate Mr. Dong Qiang. He will make great contribution to the exchanges between our two countries," said Helene Carrere D'encausse, permanent secretary of Academy of Moral & Political Sciences.
Dong Qiang was also rselected as one of the “50 ans 50 personnes” on the ceremony of the fiftieth anniversary of the China-France diplomatic relations in 2014.