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Looking China: Craftsmanship, spirit we will remember


10-17-2017 15:25 BJT

Full coverage: ‘看中国’外国青年影像计划专题

By CCTV.com Panview

Editor's foreword: "Looking China" International Youth Film Project is co-organized by the Academy for International Communication of Chinese Culture (AICCC), Beijing Normal University and Huilin Foundation. The program focuses on the young participants’ personal experiences of Chinese culture and encourages them to discover and tell Chinese stories from their own perspectives.

As of the year 2017, students from all over the world were invited to participate in the project. They were stationed in 12 municipality, provinces and autonomous regions here in China. Every filmmaker has worked out a 10-minute short film about Chinese culture around the topic of "Craftsmanship·Inheritance·Innovation.”

The ten-minute movie "Craftsmen" develops around the museum, Yuhua Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum, which is located in Hunan, China. There are more than 300 heritage projects including 10 world class heritage items, 55 national heritage items and some provincial and municipal heritage items.

The museum is founded by Guo Cunyong, a carpenter who has been working in the art industry for decades. Although the museum is not profitable, he keeps it running,  hoping to develop traditional cultural and to get more young people involved.
He believes that with the fast pace of modern life, people should slow down and find peace in these crafts. Besides, by gathering varieties of heritage projects in one museum, more children can participate in learning traditional Chinese cultural and they are the future of cultural inheritance and protection.

The movie is directed by Milos Krasulja and produced by Wu Jialing, which presents different crafts-in-making. The movie has a clear logic and realistic style. After watching it, you might want to grab your tool and make some artwork on your own.

(The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Panview or CCTV.com. )


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