
12-31-2005 11:07



Each time I begin to type on my computer the scripts for Nature and Science, I feel strong, but strange, pressure and a sense of responsibility. My studies have had nothing to do with science. So, every single studio link involves tons of research. At the beginning, I would fill the scripts with professional terms and nomenclatures, partly to show off, partly out of frustration. But then came the reaction; I got fed up, and I guess so, too, did the audience, although they were polite enough not to send me any criticism. Also, I found I was causing trouble for myself and nobody else, because those Latin terms were so difficult to read.

Later I figured out that the pressure and responsibility didn't come from my ignorance of science, but from people's ignorance, or rather, neglect, of the relationship between science and us. Science is probably the most important topic in the world today. But 'Science is a double-edged sword' – someone must have said that. Indeed, science makes the world better, and worse. Science itself doesn't do harm, but the beings who control it may do. On countless occasions, we have tried too hard to make science serve our desire for a better life, only to have to swallow the bitter consequences. Wars have been fought using dynamite and modern digital technology; there have been human cloning, genetic engineering, pollution, animal extinction…we’ve lost our way.

I'm a messenger – that's how I've re-defined my position. Relying on the power of the media, I feel I should deliver the right message to the audience. 'Nature and Science', technically these two are in conflict with each other. But, on second thoughts, the title carries a profound meaning. The relationship between nature and science, the relationship between human nature and science – aren't these questions that a programme like this should provide answers to? So now, in my scripts, there are no more un-pronounceable terms. The approach is more philosophical speculation on science.



We are always very generous with our blessings for others, particularly when we say, 'I wish you a happy life!' But what is 'a happy life?' Some say that by demanding less, one can be happy. Some sneer at this idea, claiming that we do not live in an ideal world, and we have to make demands. I am someone who always asks, 'How can I do better?' It seems I'm destined never to be completely happy. But, by always asking how I can do better, aren't I guilty of greed?

How to live better – that's quite a difficult question for me. Can you give me an answer?

I'm a television presenter, and the distance between you on your couch and me on the screen may be a long one. Here I'm introducing to you the real me and, in all sincerity, sharing with you some of my thoughts and frustrations. Feel free to exchange your thoughts with me, or to provide information that you think I should present in the programme.


Name: Li Dongning

Hobbies: reading, badminton, daydreaming

Marital status: married

Pets: 'Little Thing' (a dog, passed away); hoping to have two more in the future, a white Samoyed, and a German shepherd dog

Education: BA, English Department, Beijing Second Foreign Languages Institute

MA, Journalism Studies, Cardiff University, U.K.

Work experience: 1995-now China Central Television

Biggest wishes: Macro – World Peace

Micro – peace in my heart

Major works: Kindling a Light for the Sightless Child (30')

Harbin (15')

Writer Zhang Nie'er (10')

Tibet Muses (30')

The Ancient Town Xitang (10')

Beijing's Hotels - for the Beijing Olympic Bid (9')

Way Out – Bus Rapid Transit (25')

