[China and Latin America] "Good prospects" for cooperation with Latin America

2010-03-07 14:41 BJT

BEIJING, March 7 (Xinhua) -- Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi said Sunday the prospects for China's cooperation with Latin American countries are "good."

"The Latin American countries and China are complementary to each other in terms of economic structure and social development, and there are good prospects for cooperation between the two sides," said Yang at a press conference on the sidelines of the annual parliament session.

China says enhanced BRIC cooperation beneficial to world

BEIJING, March 7 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi said Sunday that enhanced cooperation among Brazil, Russia, India and China, or the BRIC countries, is beneficial to the world.

He said it is true that the countries each have their own features, but they are at a similar stage of development and level of economy, and they have close positions on a series of international issues. Full Story>>

Editor: James | Source: CCTV.com