"Understanding China" series books (second volume) were released in Guangzhou on December 1 during the ongoing sixth "Understanding China" Conference which opened on the same day.
The second volume of the "Understanding China" series books was published by the China Institute for Innovation and Development Strategy (CIIDS) and China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration.
The second volume of the series books focuses on the historical development and achievements of the Communist Party of China in a century, China's system and national governance system, "Belt and Road Initiative" as well as on regional economic development, national enterprises and China's relations with the rest of the world in the post COVID-19 pandemic era.
Authoritative experts and scholars at home and more foreign authors were invited to contribute to the publication of the series books for better understanding China.
The publication of the first volume of the "Understanding China" series books started in 2018. A total of 40 books have been published in some 20 languages, which serves as a bridge between China and the international community.