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CCTV Correspondent

Filio Kontrafouri

Filio Kontrafouri joined CCTV as an Athens-based correspondent in 2012, responsible for covering Greece, particularly the Greek debt crisis and its impact on the country and the eurozone.

She has worked in front and behind the camera for France 24, CBS News, ABC News and a number of Greek and international media organizations. Her reporting has taken her from the United States and Europe to the Middle East and Afghanistan, where she has been covering the on-going conflict since 2005.

News Reports

Refugee numbers rise on Greek islands

Hungary’s closed borders have created a logjam of asylum seekers in the Greek islands off the coast of Turkey.

Crossover: Political wrangling harms the image of the Eurozone?

The long-running Greek debt crisis is almost at its end. Let's talk about the situation with our reporters Jack Barton in Brussels and Filio Kontrafouri in Athens.

Crossover: Eurozone leaders thrash out Greek bailout deal

For more on the latest developments, we are joined once again by our correspondent Filio Kontrafouri in Athens and Jack Barton in Brussels.

Crossover: Greek polls show close call in referendum result

For more on the referendum in Greece, we are joined live by our correspondent Filio Kontrafouri in Athens. Q1. Hello, Filio. What's the turnout so far? And how is the mood there like?

Crossover: One week left before crucial decision on deal

For more on the Greek predicament, we now go to our correspondent Filio Kontrafouri in Athens.

Crossover: Radical left, anti-austerity Syriza wins election

Our Greece correspondent Filio Kontrafouri has been following the election from Athens.

Live crossover: Former PM Tymoshenko enters Ukraine presidential race

In less than two months, Ukrainians will head to the polls to elect a new president

Senior members of Greece's far-right party arrested

The recent arrests of senior members of Greece’s far-right Golden Dawn party, and allegations about its violent nature, may have come as a surprise to some Greeks. But the party, that the government has labeled as a neo-Nazi criminal gang, has been slowly gaining strength, taking advantage of the government’s failure to tackle one of Greece’s biggest problems - illegal immigration.

Greeks pessimistic about new austerity

It has been a tough week for Greece, with rowdy protests and strikes against the government's plans for public sector lay-offs and more spending cuts.

Greece under inspection for further bailout aid

Chief debt inspectors from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund are back in Athens. They’re reviewing the economy and decide once again, if Greece is on track in implementing the agreed reforms in exchange for further bailout aid.

Greek olive oil goes international

Greece’s economy is entering its sixth year of recession year. One of the few bright spots is Greece’s award-wining olive oil - that could generate billions in revenue. Yet it remains hard to find outside of Greece. CCTV correspondent Filio Kontrafouri reports from the island of Crete.