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Taiwan's DPP should abandon the ostrich mentality

Editor: Li Kun 丨CCTV.com

05-19-2016 15:58 BJT

By Han Jinwei, director of Tuanjiewang.cn and deputy director of the News Department with Tuanjiebao

The 69th World Health Assembly will be held in Geneva on May 23-28. On May 16, a spokesperson for Taiwan's health authorities had confirmed that Taipei received a reply letter from the World Health Organization (WHO), with an account and password from the WHO headquarters to send out invitations for the assembly. The Taiwan delegation had uploaded the archives of photos to confirm its registration.


The World Health Assembly is held annually. But the date of assembly this year stands in a transition period for the old and new Taiwan authorities.

On May 20, the new Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen will deliver her inaugural speech to introduce her policy directions. A question may arise: Is it proper for Taiwan to participate in the WHA assembly?

The WHO is the largest international inter-governmental agency, only reserved for sovereign states. The World Health Assembly is the supreme authority of the WHO, the unaccepted state, region, or organization can participate in the WHO assembly as observers without voting rights and personnel allocations.

Since 2009, Taiwan's authority titled, Chinese Taipei, has participated in the WHA as an observer, which reflects that both sides have adhered to the one-China principle, and made special arrangements on the "1992 consensus"- a common political basis.

Achieving international recognition with greater international space has been the desire for Taiwan authorities. The mainland has given enough attention and goodwill with the prerequisite of upholding the one-China principle and "1992 consensus," which safeguards national sovereignty and sets a red line for developing cross-straits relations.

Both the Kuomintang (KMT) and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) are Taiwan's leading political parties and they should follow the rules. Since 2009, the reason for Taipei's participation in the WHA, as an observer, relies on them following the rules. They are required to recognize the one-China principle.

On May 16, a reply letter from the WHO had emphasized the "one China" principle, which shows a good-faith reminder for Taiwan's officials.

The DPP has have hinted its "Taiwan independence" tendency yet held high expectations for participating in the WHA assembly without recognizing the "one-China" principle, which demonstrate a lack of awareness for regulations.

For a political party not to comply with the rules of the game means they do not deserve international recognition.

In contrast, due to the Kuomintang's recognition of the "1992 consensus" and "diplomatic truce" with the mainland, Taiwan's "allies partners" have maintained stability during the past eight years in power. Meanwhile, Taipei can also participate in some international organizations or international conferences as observers or other appropriate roles.

Yet, Taipei must adhere to the "1992 consensus" and one-China principle. Conversely, if the common political basis of cross-straits relations were destroyed, such global arrangements would be difficult to carry forward.

It is foreseeable that if the DPP would not recognize the "1992 consensus", and Taiwan's "international space" would be narrowed-down further. Failure to participate in the WHA is just the beginning; other international organizations may close their doors to them as well.

Tsai and the DPP are well aware of such facts, but are reluctant to admit that. These actions imply manifestations of their "ostrich mentality," with escapism and unwillingness to tackle problems. Numerous facts have proven that such wishful thinking would not work.

If the DPP still insist on their arguments, the mainland may put aside good faith and give an adequate response to their actions. We will wait and see how Tsai and DPP would act.

Han Jinwei, director of Tuanjiewang.cn and deputy director of the News Department with Tuanjiebao


( The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Panview or CCTV.com. )



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