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China, Serbia to sign two dozens of deals in Xi's visit

Editor: zhangrui 丨CRI

06-15-2016 08:20 BJT

Full coverage: President Xi Visits 3 Nations, Attends SCO Summit

Final preparations are being made ahead of Chinese President Xi Jinping's latest international trip. He's due to leave Friday for stops in Serbia, Poland and Uzbekistan.

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic says the Chinese president's arrival is going to be extremely lucrative for his country.

"During President Xi's visit, Serbia will sign 24 cooperative agreements with China, such a number has never been the case during any world leaders' visit to our country. Those agreements include not only those at national level, but also those focusing on economy, investment and cultural exchanges. China's investment to us is of great importance, and could solve a variety of problems which we could hardly deal with by ourselves."

Following his 2nd stop in Poland, Xi Jinping will then travel to Uzbekistan to wrap up his trip with a 2-day meeting of leaders from Shanghai Cooperation Organization countries.

For more on what we can expect from the trip, CRI's Michael Butterworth spoke earlier with Dr. Song Lilei, Assistant Director of the Center of European Studies at Tongji University in Shanghai.

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