Come participate in our live studio!
Be close to the ones you are so familiar with, yet so far away from.
Meet them in person, and ask questions you have been dying to know about!
We welcome you to Up-Close to explore the amazing stories of extraordinary individuals with us!
New Schedule
The air time for Up-Close has changed. Please note our new broadcast times: Beijing Time:
Sunday 09:15 15:15 23:15
Monday 03:15
Up Close welcomes you to explore the amazing stories of extraordinary individuals with us!
Studio Audience Wanted!!!
Studio Audience Wanted for CCTV9!!! Join the Up Close studio audience!
Come to CCTV’s studio and participate in our studio audience! See what happens behind-the-scenes in the Up Close studio and meet the guest in person. All participants will receive exclusive Up Close gifts, and who knows? You may be on TV!
For more details, please call 8824-3405 or send an email to (please leave your contact details in the mail). We are on extended holiday, so please email us to sign up and we will call you when we return.
• Kung Xianduo - Descendant of Confucius keeps his promise to educate
Formerly the VP of the University of Maryland and HK U of Science and Technology, Kung Xian-duo has dedicated his life to learning, not only of others, but also his own. He is considered an important leader in education, and has made important commentaries on the distinction between western and eastern education. Appropriately, he is ALSO a direct descendant of Confucius. Could it be that the renowned blood of the famous philosopher runs so thick 72 generations after? Air Time:
Dec.25 09 :15 15 :15 23 :15
Dec.26 03 :15
• Jane Goodall - A Female Legend Full of Hope
Jane Goodall, the famed environmentalist, is a real-life female Tarzan. At the age of 25, she went to Gombe, Africa and studied wild chimpanzees for more than 30 years. In her 30s, she astonished the world with her amazing discovery -that humans are not the only species that can make and use tools. Today, she is a leading advocate for environmental awareness, encouraging the public that they too can make a difference. Air Time:
Jan.1 09 :15 15 :15 23 :15
Jan.2 03 :15